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How Your Brain Works?

      The BRAIN is a physical organ. The MIND is a function of the brain. The Mind is what allows the Consciousness to think.


      The CONSCIOUS MIND is a small part of the mind, which we are using right now for our busy thinking, reading, writing, calculating and more. It is about 5% of your mind. It makes all decisions. It is our command center. It is focused on the 5 senses: smell, touch, see, taste and hear. The CONSCIOUS MIND is short – term memory.


      The SUBCONSCIOUS MIND is storage of information. All memories and answers are here. It is a record of your Soul- Journey. It is our long – term memory. It is also our automatic nervous system, which controls our internal organs automatically. It is approximately 95% of our mind. It is the most powerful computer ever devised – it is capable of running multiple tasks simultaneously. The Subconscious mind is a very powerful and loving energy and must be treated with the highest of respect.

SUBCONSCIOUS MIND does not make any judge, criticize or analyze – that is the purpose of the CONSCIOUS MIND.



What is hypnosis?

      The best way to describe what HYPNOSIS is would simply be “being open to suggestions”. About 90% of people can be hypnotized if they are willing to follow instruction and let it happen. HYPNOSIS IS THE PROCESS OF GIVING SUGGESTIONS TO THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND WITHOUT CONCIOUS REJECTION. Each day and all day we are open to suggestions or close. There is no another way, therefore we are in a light state of hypnosis most of your life. We are constantly given suggestions by parents, teachers, friends, politicians, religions leaders, newspapers, television.

       Hypnosis affects everyone. Hypnotic state is not sleep. It is state we experience in everyday life, when we are at that relaxed moment just before asleep and as we wake up. We also are in Hypnotic state, when we are reading a good book, or watching movie, or doing something that captures all of our attention. We are out of the situation around us, but we are in control. Hypnosis is a focused state, when your mind and body are completely relaxed, but you are in control at all times. It is safe, drug free method with no side effects. Hypnosis has many tools to work with emotional and physical problems. Hypnosis was approved by the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association in 1950 as an effective therapy. It is safe and its benefits are plentiful. It is about Quantum Healing for the Mind, Body and Spirit.



ILLUSION is the great method to see how the Brain works.

LEFT PART OF THE MIND: it is about logic, mathematics, analysis, language, reading, writing, reasoning, rules, ego.
RIGHT PART OF THE MIND: it is about emotions, memories, visualization, creativity, music, curiosity, intuition, imagination, dreams.



Take a look at this picture.

What is your first impression? What do you see? A young woman or an old woman? If you continue to study the picture, you will realize there are both on this picture. Your Conscious mind letting you see only one at the time. So take a look a little longer.

This illusion is kind of fun. Just watch at the pic. You will have a feeling, that it is moving. So this is a picture! It is not a video! Your mind is playing a trick on you, it is not moving.

Looking at the picture , try to say the COLORS that you see as quickly, as you can.


I will help you: the first two colors that you see are “blue” and “black”. Even though you are saying “yellow” and “blue”, the colors are “blue” and” black”. So get ready, go as quick, as you can!
How did you do? If you made a mistake, do it again. If you do not, try again quickly. Go!

What is going on here is: this is LEFT BRAIN / RIGHT BRAIN confusing type exercise.



      Trust yourself, be positive about your session, fallow the instructions, allow the process happened, and let the pictures come. The first picture that comes to your mind is always correct!
I will be most happy to assist you with Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session!

See it! Believe it! Make it happen!

Dear Left-Brained Client,


You have been programmed from birth to primarily only use half of your brain’s natural function. Our Western society’s institutions of education and government and workplace have marginalized our right brain, our intuition, our imagination, and in my opinion, it has been to our great detriment.

Think of all the times as a child you were told to get your head out of the clouds. That there was no monster in the closet. That your imaginary friend wasn’t real. To stop daydreaming. Stop pretending or making up stories. Things were labeled “only” a coincidence, or merely a “figment of your imagination.”

What your parents, teachers and others did was effectively switch off half of your brain function. They (mostly) didn’t mean to do this. They were taught the same thing when they were young.

Sure we need our left brain. Without it many things would dissolve into disorganization and chaos. But what we really need is balance, and our poor right brain has gotten a really bad rap.

Well, we have a little work to do now to begin to undo this “left brain is the only thing that is important” programming, but it is possible.

When you live a life led overwhelmingly by logic and analysis, you are living life primarily from your left brain.  You can think of your mind as fueled by a dual engine brain, which is much like a dual engine airplane with only one working engine. If you are very methodical, logical and analytical, your right brain is probably very much like a rusty engine. We need to get the grease gun out, lubricate the mechanics, re-fuel, and get that right brain baby running before our QHHT Session.


Can you do this? Absolutely. Your right brain is right there, waiting on you to turn the engine over and to wake it up. You can start immediately. There are many ways to engage your right brain and in the coming days I will share a few concrete exercises you can do during your regular day that will help.

Here is one thing you can do that is probably the single most important thing to have a successful session.  It’s just a statement that you need to hear, digest and integrate into your world before knocking on my door for our appointment. You will need to fully accept this statement to break out of a lifetime of left brain programming!

Here it is…are you ready?

You will have to trust your imagination 100%.

That’s right. Actually trust it! You will have to trust your imagination so much that you might possibly have to do something that might sound utterly ridiculous to a left brain person: You will have to agree to simply:

Make. It. Up.

That’s right. Make it up. You will, in essence, make up a daydream with me and I promise you, if you jump in that daydream with both feet and allow me to help you, allow me to guide you, you will absolutely open that door to your soul and begin at last to find the answers for which you are looking and the healing that you seek.

Your Higher Self, your soul self, communicates with you in your dreams every single night. It communicates with you using premonitions, gut feelings, in daydreams, in your imagination, in symbols and stories and fanciful ideas.

We want to talk to your Higher Self in your session, not your every-day-logical-left-brained-conscious-mind. You can NOT access your Higher Self, or your soul using logic. Over analyzing will cause it to wither and fade away.

Let me tell you a little story.

Just a couple of weeks ago in Arkansas during advanced training with Dolores Cannon, a story of remarkable healing was told. This woman, a QHHT Practitioner herself, was once a demonstration subject for Dolores in a class several years ago.

During the session when Dolores asked for the SC or Higher Self to heal the severe esophageal erosion and reflux disease that made her life miserable, her logical mind began to doubt and disbelieve the process. The woman, being a demonstration subject, was keenly aware that there were students observing, taking notes and hanging on every word of the session.

At that moment, her analytical mind, her ego self, did not feel that her Higher Self was there. She listened intently, waited for something magical to happen and felt… nothing. She remembered what Dolores said to her and the class about using her imagination. She felt it was her only option. She was going to have to “make it up.” She thought she could not possibly disappoint Dolores and the class that was watching her, so she did. She made it up.

As she began to create a story within her mind she suddenly, in her mind, saw big streams of blackness leave her throat. Internally, she was stunned.

When she awoke, meaning when she was brought to her every day conscious aware state, she had no more pain in her throat! Her esophageal pain and reflux, a problem she had for many years, had disappeared never to return.

Standing at the (seemingly) closed-door of her soul self, she used her imagination to unlock the door and open it and access it. By making it up!

Do understand and realize– the more you open yourself before you get here, the more you practice and allow, the more you make up stories,  the more you daydream, the more you meditate or play the fabulous “What if?” game (more on that tomorrow) or the more you simply shake up a rigid “left brain” daily routine or life, the better your outcome will be at our session.

Here’s something wonderful about the right brain and its activities and function: You cannot do a thing “wrong.”

You can only balk and not do it at all.

It’s completely up to you!

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