Crystal-Light-Color Therapy
also known as "John's of God Bed"
Crystal Light Bed combines the power of Colour Therapy, Light therapy and Crystal Therapy. It is a vibrational healing tool that helps balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual areas of the body. PUREWAVE technology has 7 extremely clear and highly polished Vogel hand cut quartz crystals suspended approximately 12 inches above the body. Each crystal has been hand cut to a specific frequency and is aligned above one of the seven energy centres or chakras.
Bathing in the Crystal Light Energy it is incredibly healing and promotes wellness on many levels!
What is Chakra?
Chakras are the energy centers that exist along your spinal cord, within your auric field. They are also called vortices of light and each chakra has a specific function and colour assigned to it. The different colours were assigned to chakras based on the frequency at which they vibrate. Each chakra also relates to a specific set of organs in the body, as well as emotions and psyche. The crystal beds uses Brazilian clear-cut quartz crystals to generate colour and light therapy to cleanse, clear and raise the vibration of the chakras( energy centres).
Colour Therapy
Coloured lights matching the frequency of the chakra colours radiate PureWave LED light and energy through the crystals to each respective chakra. These LED lights shine on the body to cleanse, balance and align the energy.
Violet: Crown chakra is a blend of deep blue and deep red that produces a violet colour for a more calming activation. This blend is good for grounding in early stage treatments, the pure violet colour at 415nm wavelength gently connects the upper and lower chakras. This high energy activates only the surface of the skin. It is recommended for advanced patient healing and higher conscious development.
Blue: Third eye chakra is activated with light blue colour at 465nm wavelength. This wavelength also penetrates less than 0.5mm into the last layer of skin increasing blood flow to the third eye.
Cyan: Throat chakra is activated with cyan colour at 503nm wavelength. This wavelength works on the thinner layers of skin on the throat penetrating less than 0.5mm
Green: Heart chakra is activated with light green colour at 521nm wavelength. This wavelength penetrates 0.5mm into the skin. It promotes focus as it energizes the upper layers of skin above the sternum.
Yellow: Solar Plexus chakra is activated with a yellow colour at 590nm wavelength. This light source is broader spanning half width from 560nm to 640nm providing a calming effect. It penetrates 1-2mm into the body.
Orange: Sacral chakra is activated with a deep orange colour at 625nm wavelength. This wavelength penetrates less than 3mm increasing blood flow through most layers of skin.
Red: Root chakra is activated with a deep red colour at 660nm wavelength. This longer wavelength penetrates more than 3mm into the body. The effect is a increased blood flow through all layers of skin
Light Therapy
LEDs produce narrow band emission at particular wavelengths well suited for chakra activation. As the coloured light is transmitted through the crystal onto the corresponding Chakra, the chakra is cleansed, energized and brought into balance. This allows the other aspects of ourselves, whether it be mental, emotional or physical to be brought into balance. When the chakras are out of balance, all the other aspects of ourselves are out of balance. Then as these subtle energies are brought into balance, the body's own natural healing mechanisms are able to function as they were designed to do. The "Crystal Light Healing Bed" cleanses, balances, opens and recharges the body's energy creating a deep relaxation.
Crystal Therapy (Vogel Crystals)
Crystals have some of the highest molecular orderliness found in nature. Full spectrum light that passes through a crystal will resonate with structured patterns such as water, which can take on a variety of molecular patterns. When water forms in well organized, geometrically shaped molecule patterns, it has increased surface tension and bonding properties. This is the pure state of water found in healthy cell tissue, while non-geometric and disorganized water molecules are found in unhealthy cells and cancer cells. The health-giving effects of crystal therapy result from the vibration of the crystals resonating with the water in our cells and tissues, giving a similar effect to energized water.
A precisely cut quartz crystal produces a constant vibration of the same frequency as water in its purest state.
Moving water will pick up the vibration from the crystal through resonant interaction and this transferred charge will restructure the water. A cut crystal can be charged with intent to structure water. Since our bodies are consist of about 70% water this carries strong implication for how our health can be affected by chromatherapy.
Vogel crystals are specially cut quartz crystals developed by Dr. Maurice Vogel, who discovered that each crystal has a unique vibration or signature. The Vogel crystal wands that are used in the crystal healing bed are cut and ground to the ratio and proportions of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and are thus able to transduce subtle psychic energy into a scientifically measurable field. The large end of each crystal is cut precisely to the interior angle of 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 51 seconds, the same angle as the Great Pyramid of Giza. This end, called the female, receptive end draws life force, which then spirals down the length of the crystal and is amplified each time it hits a facet. When this highly amplified life force is focused through the small end of the crystal, known as the male end, it produces a laser-like energy.
Each crystal cut into this shape, no matter how large or small, produces a consistent vibratory 'note' or signature of 454. Because of this vibratory signature, the crystals communicate directly with the water of the body, returning it to a healthy, structured state.
Improves blood circulation and cell metabolism
Reduces pain and strengthens immune system
Helps relieve insomnia
Eases inflammation and stiffness
Helps alleviate stress, improve mood and provide a sense of well-being
Helps Rejuvenate and revitalize the body’s cells, tissues and systems
Counteracts the effects of static energy and EMF radiation
Provides relief from symptoms of acute or chronic illness
Photon Therapy stimulates acupressure points to remove blockages
Photon Therapy helps correct imbalances in bio-magnetic energy
Health Conditions:
Common medical conditions said to be aided by using Crystal Light Healing Bed:
Stress and tension
Poor blood circulation
Back pain or muscle stiffness
Migraine or tension headaches
Depression, anxiety, and insomnia
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
Symptoms of chronic illnesses